They include everything from selling assets and privatizing municipal services to raising the retirement age by 2026 and offering tax breaks to companies that hire young workers. 法案从出售资产,市政服务私有化,2026年起推迟退休年龄,再到为雇佣年轻人的公司提供税收优惠等无所不包。
Municipal governments in Beijing and other big cities are also contacting big companies in their jurisdictions and telling them to provide detailed information on the expatriates 'incomes, tax advisers said. 在北京等大城市,市政府也与辖区内的大公司联系,要求提供外派人士详细的收入信息,税务顾问透露。
CTTIC Bank is the appointed bank of Suzhou Municipal Bureau of State Taxation to pay the value-added tax. 中信银行,是苏州市国税局指定的缴纳增值税的银行。
2 with respect to the local income tax levied on old urban district enterprises, the municipal people's governments shall determine whether preferential treatment in the form of tax reduction or exemption needs to be granted. 二对老市区企业征收的地方所得税,需要给予减征、免征优惠的,由市人民政府决定。
An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction of Meizhou Municipal Local Tax Bureau Civil Servants 梅州市地方税务局公务员工作满意度的实证研究
The operator of a public parking lot ( garage), when collecting parking fees, shall use uniform receipts made under supervision of the municipal local tax department. 公共停车场(库)经营者收取停车费,应当使用由市地方税务部门监制的统一发票。
Since the interest on municipal bonds are federally tax free, a tax equivalent yield is needed to compare municipals with other taxable investments that may be in front of an investor. 由于联邦免税的市政债券的利息税相当于产量是需要与其他应税投资,可能会在投资者面前的直辖市。
Municipal Valuation Office generates tax demand notices based on valuation roll. 市级估价办公室根据评估记录完成税负通知。
Since the system of "Anhui online tax return system" was tested in 2006, Tongling Municipal Local Taxation Bureau has been vigorously promoting this system, which has provided taxpayers with quality online tax service and great economic and social benefits. 铜陵市地方税务局自2006年在全市开始运行安徽省网上纳税申报系统以来,大力推广应用该系统,为纳税人提供在线申报纳税服务,带来了较大的经济效益和社会效益。
Shanghai and Chongqing municipal government commenced the pilot of the reform on the individual housing property tax at the beginning of 2011, which receives much concern of the society. 上海市、重庆市政府于2011年初开始对个人住房征收房产税改革试点工作,受到社会普遍关注。
Huainan Municipal State Taxation Bureau began to launch the specialized management of tax sources in June, 2010, achieving some achievements, but there exist some problems. 淮南市国税局于2010年6月开始试点税源专业化管理以来,取得了成绩,也存在许多问题。
Jiang Feng Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation ( SAT), as a county level office, directly dealing with the taxpayers in the front of tax administration, forms the major forces in tax revenues collection together with other tax organizations at the grass-roots level. 江丰市国税局作为一个县级局,直接与纳税人打交道,站在税收第一线,与其它基层国税组织一起成为国税税收收入的主力军。
After ten years of infrastructure construction, Tongling Municipal Bureau has been the tax information with a certain scale. 经过十多年的基础设施建设,铜陵市地方税务局的税务信息化工作已经具备了一定的规模。
As of October 2007, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Finance approved a total of 10 provincial municipal real estate tax assessment simulation pilot areas, Start a simulation run property tax. 截止至2007年10月,国家税务总局和财政部共批准了10省市为房地产模拟评税试点地区,物业税开始了空转运行。